Thursday, December 1, 2011

Giving blogging another attempt!

I was always a little sad that my first attempt at a blog did not take off. I stopped putting time & effort into it and as we all know, when you don't do that things suffer! I am deleting my Facebook the beginning of the year, so that will free up some time to work on a new blog. Why am I deleting my Facebook? Well, lots of reasons but one being I feel like since starting up with a Facebook page a few years ago, person to person interactions have dropped. I used to get phone calls, emails or letters from friends & family. They were actually purposefully in reaching out to me. I would also write, email & call people too. Now it seems with Facebook, no one has to contact anyone in a purposeful manner. You can just puruse pages and pages of friends info & stay up to date that way but not really making any effort. Yes, I got messages on there from time to time or a comment on my status, that isn't the point really. I want to be the start of change in the way we communicate and hopefully we can regain some of what we have lost in the way of communication. Have you noticed how even though we have a million more ways to communicate then we did in the past, people almost communicate (truly communicate) less! It is virtually impossible to gather RSVP's for events, which is crazy when people can call, text, Facebook, email, Tweet, or any other numbers of ways. They can do most all of this from their Smartphones, Tablets, IPads, Kindles, etc yet can't seem to take the time to do so. I think we need to slow down a little and re-kindle some of the more "Outdated" ways of communication.
Ok, I can get off my soapbox! But that is why I am no longer on Facebook. I started this blog however, to have a place to share thoughts & ideas and family updates with those who are interested in taking the time to check it out. I plan to add product reviews from time to time, parenting advice, etc.


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