This article came out in Time Magazine, as I am sure a lot of you know as there has been a ton of internet buzz about it:
Here is what Dr Sears has to say! Excellent article!
“Be the change you wish to see in the world…” ~ Gandhi
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Points I highly disagreed with from John Rosemond's article
**My thoughts in bold. His article in the lighter grey type. **
The cover story in last week's (May 21, 2012) Time Magazine is all about "why attachment parenting drives some mothers to extremes -- and how Dr. Bill Sears became their guru." That is the article's subtitle. All I can say, somewhat hopefully, is "at last."
The cover story in last week's (May 21, 2012) Time Magazine is all about "why attachment parenting drives some mothers to extremes -- and how Dr. Bill Sears became their guru." That is the article's subtitle. All I can say, somewhat hopefully, is "at last."
For most AP parentings, Dr Sears is not their "Guru" but rather a respected dr who is a Christian, father to 8 and married to an RN/LC (just listing some reasons why I personally respect his parenting advice)
Because my next book, due out in the fall, contains a chapter on attachment parenting's destructive propaganda, I have done considerable research of late on the subject. For those of you who are not familiar with this latest parenting trend (If he has researched as well as he thinks he'd realize AP might be a newish term but the parenting style has been around for centuries. In biblical times how/where did he think mothers fed, carried or laid their babies to sleep?)
attachment parenting is all about parents and children sleeping together, mothers "wearing" their infants (constantly carrying them around in slings), breastfeeding these same children until they are two or three, and generally centering their lives on their kids in perpetuity.
Not every mother who breastfeeds continues until their children are this age. Sadly Myles wanted nothing to do with it at 10.5 months and our breastfeeding was cut short. I know many babies who on their own wanted to be done before 2 or 3. I do however often wish he'd continued till at least 18 months if not 2, so that he could have continued getting all the wonderful nutriants and antibodies of breastmilk. As a parent who considers myself AP, we didn't bedshare, I wanted to but our bed was too small at the time he was an infant & he got used to sleeping in his own space. But Dr Sears even mentions in his book (if people chose to read it) that not all tentants of the AP style will fit each family. At the bottom of this, I will post what he really says about AP.
Supposedly, all this fuss over children is essential to making suremother and child properly "bond." According to the movement's high priest (RUDE), California pediatrician Bill Sears, proper bonding is supposed to enhance the mother-child relationship, nurture better emotional health, and even make the child smarter and less likely to lie. Being attached to your child will make your child better able to communicate with his parents and create better emotional health. If a childs cries are always ignored and his needs shuffled to the side, how will he grow up with solid emotional health? Not saying jump every second your child whines or cries.
That's right! On his website, in an essay titled "11 Ways to Raise a Truthful Child," Sears writes "Connected children do not become habitual liars. They trust their caregivers and have such a good self-image they don't need to lie." In the same article, he promises parents who choose to adopt his method that they will develop the wisdom they need to make proper decisions for their children and that their children will "turn out better" than children raised otherwise.
By "turn out better" Sears means a child who is more intelligent, calm, secure, socially confident, empathic and independent than a child raised according to prevailing Western norms. Mind you, he doesn't support this with any evidence obtained via the scientific method (an experiment involving both a control group and an experimental group) because he can't. There is no such evidence. To be blunt, Sears is making all this up. He's, well, let's just say he and his mother must not have properly bonded. I highly doubt he is making all this up, I am sure that in his many years as both father & dr he has seen both sides of things & is writing from his experiences every bit as much as the author of this article is with his bias against AP.
In fact, no unbiased research has ever affirmed any emotional or behavioral advantage to parent-child co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding, or "baby wearing." To cite but one example, James J. McKenna, director of the Mother-Baby Sleep Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame, says that he has yet to find any benefit to parents and children sleeping together. McKenna is widely regarded as the world's foremost authority on infant sleep issues.
The harm of attachment parenting is testified to by numerous ex-AP parents who have shared with me horror stories about the damage done to their marriages by co-sleeping and the problems they've had trying to get over-dependent children as old as eight out of their beds. In an Amazon consumer review of Sears' The Attachment Parenting Book, a mother who is trying to recover from his advice with two small children says, "This book ought to come with a warning!" Every parenting style or book should come with a warning, not all works the same way for every child. I could find many horror stories of non AP situations, like the girl I know who let her son CIO so hard and long that in the morning she found vomit all over his clothes and then felt bad. I could also find many storys of AP parents who bedshared & had amazing relationships with eachother & their children. There are many, many couples who don't bedshare & have awful relationships. So I find his opinion to be just that & not based on a lot of fact. You can fully co-sleep, baby wear & BF and still not do it for years & years but only for a period of time (1, 2 or 3 years) and then transition to their own bed, wean them & stop wearing them.
When all is said and done, the only person who seems to have benefitted from attachment parenting is Dr. Bill Sears.
What Dr Sears really says:
- AP is a starter style. There may be medical or family circumstances why you are unable to practice all of these baby B's. Attachment parenting implies first opening your mind and heart to the individual needs of your baby, and eventually you will develop the wisdom on how to make on-the-spot decisions on what works best for both you and your baby. Do the best you can with the resources you have – that's all your child will ever expect of you. These baby B's help parents and baby get off to the right start. Use these as starter tips to work out your own parenting style – one that fits the individual needs of your child and your family. Attachment parenting helps you develop your own personal parenting style.
- AP is an approach, rather than a strict set of rules. It's actually the style that many parents use instinctively. Parenting is too individual and baby too complex for there to be only one way. The important point is to get connected to your baby, and the baby B's of attachment parenting help. Once connected, stick with what is working and modify what is not. You will ultimately develop your own parenting style that helps parent and baby find a way to fit – the little word that so economically describes the relationship between parent and baby.
- AP is responsive parenting. By becoming sensitive to the cues of your infant, you learn to read your baby's level of need. Because baby trusts that his needs will be met and his language listened to, the infant trusts in his ability to give cues. As a result, baby becomes a better cue-giver, parents become better cue-readers, and the whole parent-child communication network becomes easier.
- AP is a tool. Tools are things you use to complete a job. The better the tools, the easier and the better you can do the job. Notice we use the term "tools" rather than "steps." With tools you can pick and choose which of those fit your personal parent-child relationship. Steps imply that you have to use all the steps to get the job done. Think of attachment parenting as connecting tools, interactions with your infant that help you and your child get connected. Once connected, the whole parent-child relationship (discipline, healthcare, and plain old having fun with your child) becomes more natural and enjoyable. Consider AP a discipline tool. The better you know your child, the more your child trusts you, and the more effective your discipline will be. You will find it easier to discipline your child and your child will be easier to discipline.
I agree with the above part by Dr Sears. I have friends who medically cannot breastfeed but are very attached to their children. Do the parts you can and if you are unable to do another (like us not being able to bedshare due to the size of our bed) then don't stress. it. Hopefully all I wrote helped convey my thoughts on what I thought of this article. I know I came off harsh saying I thought the guy who wrote it was an idiot on Facebook when I posted last night, but I really don't think he is as educated as he feels. For me AP parenting just seems like the oldest way of parenting and the most instinctual to me. It rubs me wrong when I read articles bashing it or written in a rude manor such as this. I do want to add by no means am I perfect, the perfect mother or anything. I try my hardest but have failed & messed up plenty. I don't want this to come off like I think I am better then anyone else.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Vaccine Ingredients Part 2
There are several vaccines that carry human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures. Which were gathered from aborted fetuses when the vaccines were created. Here are more details:
To date, there are two human diploid cell lines which were originally prepared from tissues of aborted foetuses (in 1964 and 1970) and are used for the preparation of vaccines based on live attenuated virus: the first one is the WI-38 line (Winstar Institute 38), with human diploid lung fibroblasts, coming from a female foetus that was aborted because the family felt they had too many children (G. Sven et al., 1969). It was prepared and developed by Leonard Hayflick in 1964 (L. Hayflick, 1965; G. Sven et al., 1969)3 and bears the ATCC number CCL-75. WI-38 has been used for the preparation of the historical vaccine RA 27/3 against rubella (S.A. Plotkin et al, 1965)4. The second human cell line is MRC-5 (Medical Research Council 5) (human, lung, embryonic) (ATCC number CCL-171), with human lung fibroblasts coming from a 14 week male foetus aborted for "psychiatric reasons" from a 27 year old woman in the UK. MRC-5 was prepared and developed by J.P. Jacobs in 1966 (J.P. Jacobs et al, 1970)5. Other human cell lines have been developed for pharmaceutical needs, but are not involved in the vaccines actually available6.
So, from what this says, fetuses aren't currently being aborted to create each dose of this vaccine. But the line that it comes from originally was started with tissues from aborted fetuses. As someone that is pro-life to the core, this ingredient in vaccines bothers me.
Human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures can be found in the following vaccines:
DTap-IPV/Hib (Pentacel)
Hep A (Vaqta)
Hep A/Hep B (Twinvax)
Rabies (Imovax)
Varicella (Varivax)
MMR (mmr-II)
MMR (Proquad)
These 2 also contain it but listed as WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts
To date, there are two human diploid cell lines which were originally prepared from tissues of aborted foetuses (in 1964 and 1970) and are used for the preparation of vaccines based on live attenuated virus: the first one is the WI-38 line (Winstar Institute 38), with human diploid lung fibroblasts, coming from a female foetus that was aborted because the family felt they had too many children (G. Sven et al., 1969). It was prepared and developed by Leonard Hayflick in 1964 (L. Hayflick, 1965; G. Sven et al., 1969)3 and bears the ATCC number CCL-75. WI-38 has been used for the preparation of the historical vaccine RA 27/3 against rubella (S.A. Plotkin et al, 1965)4. The second human cell line is MRC-5 (Medical Research Council 5) (human, lung, embryonic) (ATCC number CCL-171), with human lung fibroblasts coming from a 14 week male foetus aborted for "psychiatric reasons" from a 27 year old woman in the UK. MRC-5 was prepared and developed by J.P. Jacobs in 1966 (J.P. Jacobs et al, 1970)5. Other human cell lines have been developed for pharmaceutical needs, but are not involved in the vaccines actually available6.
So, from what this says, fetuses aren't currently being aborted to create each dose of this vaccine. But the line that it comes from originally was started with tissues from aborted fetuses. As someone that is pro-life to the core, this ingredient in vaccines bothers me.
Human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures can be found in the following vaccines:
DTap-IPV/Hib (Pentacel)
Hep A (Vaqta)
Hep A/Hep B (Twinvax)
Rabies (Imovax)
Varicella (Varivax)
MMR (mmr-II)
MMR (Proquad)
These 2 also contain it but listed as WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Common Vaccine Ingredients
How might I be exposed to formaldehyde?
How can formaldehyde affect my health?
Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments (EC hazard symbol N).[10] In the body, it is metabolized or degraded to ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) andthiosalicylate.[4
On July 7, 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued with the US Public Health Service (USPHS) a joint statement alerting clinicians and the public of concern about Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines. The reason for the warning is that Thimerosal contains related mercury compound called ethyl mercury. Mercury is a toxic metal that can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions.
The Food and Drug Administration suggested that some infants, depending on which vaccines they receive and the timing of those vaccines, may be exposed to levels of ethyl mercury that could build up to exceed one of the federal guidelines established for the intake of methyl mercury. Symptoms of mercury toxicity in young children are extremely similar to those of autism.
This can explain the recent increase in the numbers of children diagnosed with autism since the early 1990's. The numerous amount of children diagnosed with autism seems to directly correlate with the recommendation of both the hepatitis B and HIB vaccine to infants in the early 1990s. Autism is a neurological disorder that is characterized by impairments in language, cognitive and social development.
to be continued..........
I thought I'd do a post about some of the common ingredients that many vaccinations share. I know that often people are unaware that these exist in vaccines or if they have read the ingredient list, may not know what each ingredient is and the side effects associated.
First is Formaldehyde & Formalin (an aqueous solution of formaldehyde that is 37% by weight)
This is found in many vaccines. Here is a list of vaccines I found that had them in it:
Anthrax (Biothrax)
DT (Sanofi)
DTaP (Daptacel)
DTaP (Infanrix)
DTaP (Tripedia)
DTaP-IPV (Kinrix)
DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix)
DTap-IPV/Hib (Pentacel)
Hib (ActHIB)
Hib (Hiberix)
Hib/Hep B (Comvax)
Hep A (Vaqta)
Hep B (Recombivax)
Hep A/Hep B (Twinvax)
Influenza (Fluarix)
Influenza (Flulaval)
Influenza (Fluzone, standard, high dose & intradermal)
Japanese Encephalitis (Ixiaro)
Menigococcal (MCV4 - Menactra)
Menigococcal (MCV4 - Menveo)
Polio (IPV- Ipol)
TD (Decavac)
TD (Tenivac)
TD (Mass Biologics)
Tdap (Adacel)
Tdap (Boostrix)
Here is a description of Formaldehyde/Formalin:
What is formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas or liquid that has a pungent, suffocating odor. It is a volatile organic compound, which is an organic compound that easily becomes a vapor or gas. It is also naturally produced in small, harmless amounts in the human body. The chemical symbol for formaldehyde is CH2O.
Formaldehyde is released into the air by burning wood, kerosene, or natural gas; from automobiles; and from cigarettes and other tobacco products. It is found in the air at home, at work, and outdoors, especially in smog. It is also found in some foods.
Formaldehyde is used as a tissue preservative in medical laboratories, and as an embalming fluid in mortuaries. It is also used as a preservative in some foods, and as an antibacterial ingredient in cosmetics, household antiseptics, medicines, dishwashing liquids, fabric softeners, carpet cleaners, lacquers, and wood products. It is used as a preservative in some paints, paper coatings, and cosmetics; in the permanent press coating on fabrics; in carpets; and in some foam insulation materials.
Formaldehyde is used industrially in the manufacturing of other chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, latex rubber, photographic film, and preservatives; in glues and adhesives for pressed wood products such as particle board and plywood; in leather tanning; and as an industrial fungicide, germicide, and disinfectant.
Formaldehyde is released into the air by burning wood, kerosene, or natural gas; from automobiles; and from cigarettes and other tobacco products. It is found in the air at home, at work, and outdoors, especially in smog. It is also found in some foods.
Formaldehyde is used as a tissue preservative in medical laboratories, and as an embalming fluid in mortuaries. It is also used as a preservative in some foods, and as an antibacterial ingredient in cosmetics, household antiseptics, medicines, dishwashing liquids, fabric softeners, carpet cleaners, lacquers, and wood products. It is used as a preservative in some paints, paper coatings, and cosmetics; in the permanent press coating on fabrics; in carpets; and in some foam insulation materials.
Formaldehyde is used industrially in the manufacturing of other chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, latex rubber, photographic film, and preservatives; in glues and adhesives for pressed wood products such as particle board and plywood; in leather tanning; and as an industrial fungicide, germicide, and disinfectant.
You can be exposed to formaldehyde by breathing it or absorbing it through your skin. You can be exposed by breathing indoor or outdoor air that contains it, especially smog. You can also be exposed by smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products, breathing cigarette and other tobacco smoke, or breathing smoke from gas cookers and open fireplaces.
You can be exposed to formaldehyde at home if you use unvented gas or kerosene heaters indoors. You can be exposed by using household products such as construction materials, latex paints, fingernail polish, cosmetics, disinfectants, glues, lacquers, manufactured pressed wood products, fiberglass, new carpets, permanent press fabrics, paper products, and some cleaners.
You can be exposed to formaldehyde at work if you work in a hospital, laboratory, mortuary, or chemical plant. You can be exposed to higher amounts of formaldehyde if you are a doctor, nurse, dentist, veterinarian, pharmacist, pathologist, embalmer, clothing or furniture factory worker, or teacher or student working in a laboratory with preserved specimens.
You can be exposed to formaldehyde at home if you use unvented gas or kerosene heaters indoors. You can be exposed by using household products such as construction materials, latex paints, fingernail polish, cosmetics, disinfectants, glues, lacquers, manufactured pressed wood products, fiberglass, new carpets, permanent press fabrics, paper products, and some cleaners.
You can be exposed to formaldehyde at work if you work in a hospital, laboratory, mortuary, or chemical plant. You can be exposed to higher amounts of formaldehyde if you are a doctor, nurse, dentist, veterinarian, pharmacist, pathologist, embalmer, clothing or furniture factory worker, or teacher or student working in a laboratory with preserved specimens.
Formaldehyde is listed as a human carcinogen in the Twelfth Report on Carcinogens published by the National Toxicology Program because it causes cancer of the throat, nose, and blood. Drinking large amounts of formaldehyde can cause coma and death due to respiratory failure. Drinking formaldehyde can also cause convulsions, intense pain in the mouth and stomach, nausea, vomiting, signs of shock, vertigo, stupor, and diarrhea. Direct contact of the eyes with formaldehyde can cause permanent eye damage or loss of vision.
Exposure to high levels of formaldehyde can cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs, severe shortness of breath, bronchitis, and rapid heart rate. Continued exposure can also cause severe allergic reactions of the skin and eyes, skin allergies and rashes, and asthma-like allergies with coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and a drop in body temperature.
Exposure to low levels of formaldehyde can irritate and burn the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. In women, exposure can cause menstrual disorders. People with asthma may be more sensitive to exposure to formaldehyde.
Exposure to high levels of formaldehyde can cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs, severe shortness of breath, bronchitis, and rapid heart rate. Continued exposure can also cause severe allergic reactions of the skin and eyes, skin allergies and rashes, and asthma-like allergies with coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and a drop in body temperature.
Exposure to low levels of formaldehyde can irritate and burn the eyes, nose, throat, and skin. In women, exposure can cause menstrual disorders. People with asthma may be more sensitive to exposure to formaldehyde.
Next up is Thimerosal. Found in these following vaccines:
DT (Sanofi)
DTaP (Tripedia)
Influenza (Fluzone: Standard, High Dose & Intradermal)
Meningococcal (MPSV4*Menomune) - Multi-Dose
Here is a description of Thimerosal:
Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments (EC hazard symbol N).[10] In the body, it is metabolized or degraded to ethylmercury (C2H5Hg+) andthiosalicylate.[4
On July 7, 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued with the US Public Health Service (USPHS) a joint statement alerting clinicians and the public of concern about Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines. The reason for the warning is that Thimerosal contains related mercury compound called ethyl mercury. Mercury is a toxic metal that can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions.
The Food and Drug Administration suggested that some infants, depending on which vaccines they receive and the timing of those vaccines, may be exposed to levels of ethyl mercury that could build up to exceed one of the federal guidelines established for the intake of methyl mercury. Symptoms of mercury toxicity in young children are extremely similar to those of autism.
This can explain the recent increase in the numbers of children diagnosed with autism since the early 1990's. The numerous amount of children diagnosed with autism seems to directly correlate with the recommendation of both the hepatitis B and HIB vaccine to infants in the early 1990s. Autism is a neurological disorder that is characterized by impairments in language, cognitive and social development.
to be continued..........
Monday, April 23, 2012
Cloth Diapering
I have been promising my good friend Ruth information on Cloth Diapers and Cloth Diapering so I finally am posting about it!
I started using cloth diapers when Myles was 4 months old. I wanted to earlier, but allowed people to talk me out of it. I had so many people telling me it was gross, their horrible experiences with it (this from people who used cloth diapers years ago before there were as many amazing options!) and people telling me it would be too much work. I was also overwhelmed with all the cloth diapering information so it took me a while to research and wade through all of it! When we first started, I wanted to find the most economical way to do it and be able to get enough of a diaper stash that I wasn't having to do laundry every day to make it work. We started with 2 of the Flip Diaper System packs and a box of Econobum pre-folds with 3 covers. This gave me 7 covers and 12 inserts (for the Flip) and 12 pre-folds. I ended up only using one of the Econobum covers, to be honest I found them to be flimsy and cheaply made. The one cover I did use, ended up falling apart. However I loved the pre-folds. I wasn't terribly keen on the Flip inserts but loved the Flip covers so I used those and the pre-folds. Pre-folds really work well when your baby is EBF (exclusively breast fed) and their stools tend to be really loose. Using pre-folds with the covers, we didn't encounter any of those nasty "Blow-out" diapers that you hear of! We did however deal with those when he was in disposables so for this reason alone I wish we'd cloth diapered from the beginning! Somewhere in the next few months I learned of Hyneacart and of WAHM made diapers (work at home mother) and thus began a re-vamping of my cloth stash! I ended up selling the Flip & Econobum diapers once I got enough other ones. I personally do not buy used (just like I don't buy used underwear for myself!) but a lot of people do, so you can usually sell diapers you end up not being as fond of and re-couping a bit of what you spent. I wish we cloth diapered full time, but we do use disposables at night as Myles is a really heavy wetter and I haven't found a good nighttime solution. Diaper brands we own are:
Cloth Reverie
Doodle Dypes
Licorice Lane
Bebe Britches (sadly she is no longer in business)
Monkey and Bug (currently not making diapers, after having a second set of twins)
Bum Genius
The top 6 links are WAHM's. The bottom 2 are commercial brands.
Now for cleaning information! When Myles was EBF we just threw the whole diaper in the wet bag (We have a Planet Wise hanging bag that we hang on the door of his room, it has a zippered top and keeps smells in so much better then the diaper champ we have for disposables which we do use at night). Now that he is not breast fed and is on solids we just shake off waste into the toilet, then throw the diapers into the wet bag till laundry time. They do make diaper sprayers that you can attach to your toilet and spray off the diapers with that, but we've never really had issues without it. It sounds disgusting, I know but its just as simple to scrape any stubborn waste off with a wipe into the toilet. I figure I am already wiping Myles off so it isn't really any different. I try to wash at least 2 times a week. Letting them sit any longer you can end up with stink or stain issues. For washing you will need to use a cloth diaper friendly detergent. If you don't you can end up with repelling issues (shedding water, which of course you don't want!). I use either Rockin' Green detergent or Eco Nuts on our cloth diapers. To wash I open the wet bag over the washer & dump the diapers in and the bag. I run a cold rinse cycle, then add detergent and do a hot wash that is followed by a cold rinse (it is a function on my washer). Then I dry on high. Wool dryer balls are great to add to your dry cycle for speeding up drying time. Also don't use dryer sheets! The additives can cause issues with your diapers absorbancy! Fold and ready to go!
A few additional notes: With cloth diapers you will need to use a cloth diaper friendly rash cream if your child has a rash. Myles seldom gets rashes unless he is teething or sick but when he does we use Grovia Magic stick rash ointment. Mother Love also makes a good rash ointment. If he has a really bad rash and I want to use something stronger, I will either use a disposable or lay something on top of the cloth diaper like a small piece of flannel or fleece to act as a buffer. Typical rash creams can coat the diaper and make them repel.
Some diaper styles & terms (taken from Cuties with Cloth Booties on Cafemom):
I started using cloth diapers when Myles was 4 months old. I wanted to earlier, but allowed people to talk me out of it. I had so many people telling me it was gross, their horrible experiences with it (this from people who used cloth diapers years ago before there were as many amazing options!) and people telling me it would be too much work. I was also overwhelmed with all the cloth diapering information so it took me a while to research and wade through all of it! When we first started, I wanted to find the most economical way to do it and be able to get enough of a diaper stash that I wasn't having to do laundry every day to make it work. We started with 2 of the Flip Diaper System packs and a box of Econobum pre-folds with 3 covers. This gave me 7 covers and 12 inserts (for the Flip) and 12 pre-folds. I ended up only using one of the Econobum covers, to be honest I found them to be flimsy and cheaply made. The one cover I did use, ended up falling apart. However I loved the pre-folds. I wasn't terribly keen on the Flip inserts but loved the Flip covers so I used those and the pre-folds. Pre-folds really work well when your baby is EBF (exclusively breast fed) and their stools tend to be really loose. Using pre-folds with the covers, we didn't encounter any of those nasty "Blow-out" diapers that you hear of! We did however deal with those when he was in disposables so for this reason alone I wish we'd cloth diapered from the beginning! Somewhere in the next few months I learned of Hyneacart and of WAHM made diapers (work at home mother) and thus began a re-vamping of my cloth stash! I ended up selling the Flip & Econobum diapers once I got enough other ones. I personally do not buy used (just like I don't buy used underwear for myself!) but a lot of people do, so you can usually sell diapers you end up not being as fond of and re-couping a bit of what you spent. I wish we cloth diapered full time, but we do use disposables at night as Myles is a really heavy wetter and I haven't found a good nighttime solution. Diaper brands we own are:
Cloth Reverie
Doodle Dypes
Licorice Lane
Bebe Britches (sadly she is no longer in business)
Monkey and Bug (currently not making diapers, after having a second set of twins)
Bum Genius
The top 6 links are WAHM's. The bottom 2 are commercial brands.
Now for cleaning information! When Myles was EBF we just threw the whole diaper in the wet bag (We have a Planet Wise hanging bag that we hang on the door of his room, it has a zippered top and keeps smells in so much better then the diaper champ we have for disposables which we do use at night). Now that he is not breast fed and is on solids we just shake off waste into the toilet, then throw the diapers into the wet bag till laundry time. They do make diaper sprayers that you can attach to your toilet and spray off the diapers with that, but we've never really had issues without it. It sounds disgusting, I know but its just as simple to scrape any stubborn waste off with a wipe into the toilet. I figure I am already wiping Myles off so it isn't really any different. I try to wash at least 2 times a week. Letting them sit any longer you can end up with stink or stain issues. For washing you will need to use a cloth diaper friendly detergent. If you don't you can end up with repelling issues (shedding water, which of course you don't want!). I use either Rockin' Green detergent or Eco Nuts on our cloth diapers. To wash I open the wet bag over the washer & dump the diapers in and the bag. I run a cold rinse cycle, then add detergent and do a hot wash that is followed by a cold rinse (it is a function on my washer). Then I dry on high. Wool dryer balls are great to add to your dry cycle for speeding up drying time. Also don't use dryer sheets! The additives can cause issues with your diapers absorbancy! Fold and ready to go!
A few additional notes: With cloth diapers you will need to use a cloth diaper friendly rash cream if your child has a rash. Myles seldom gets rashes unless he is teething or sick but when he does we use Grovia Magic stick rash ointment. Mother Love also makes a good rash ointment. If he has a really bad rash and I want to use something stronger, I will either use a disposable or lay something on top of the cloth diaper like a small piece of flannel or fleece to act as a buffer. Typical rash creams can coat the diaper and make them repel.
Some diaper styles & terms (taken from Cuties with Cloth Booties on Cafemom):
Cloth Diaper Types
Flat: A single layered fabric (typically cotton) that can be folded where absorbency is needed most, or simply folded into a square and used like a prefold. Cotton weaves include birdseye, muslin. Economical and one sized (can be doubled when baby is older). Receiving blankets can be used (but need to be pinned). You need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

Prefold: A flat, layered, rectangular diaper with extra layers for absorbency in the center. Commonly used with a fastener and waterproof cover. Economical to buy and can be re-purposed as burp/cleaning cloths or inserts/doublers. Great for the newborn stage. You need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

Pre-Fitted: A fitted diaper made from a prefold. Goes on like a disposable. May have snaps or aplix (a.k.a. velcro, hook and loop, touchtape) closure, or require pins or a Snappi. You need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

Fitted: A shaped diaper that includes elasticized legs. Most commonly has an aplix or snap closure. You need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

Contour: Shaped, like a fitted diaper, but without elastic and usually without attached closures. Commonly used with pins or a Snappi. You need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

Pocket: A 2 layered diaper that requires the addition of an absorbent insert. The outer layer is most commonly made of PUL, with the inner (the part that sits against baby's skin) usually being a "stay-dry" fabric (microfleece, suedecloth, etc.) that allows moisture to seep through to the insert, keeping baby's skin dry. Use a fresh, clean insertand pocket at each change. You do NOT need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

All In One (AIO): The closest option to disposable diapers. Outside is made of a waterproof layer, and the absorbency is sewn in. You do NOT need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

All In Two (AI2): Similar to an AIO, but with a removable absorbent layer for easier washing and faster drying. Absorbent layer is usually snapped in place inside the diaper, sitting directly against baby's skin. You do NOT need a cover to make this type of diaper waterproof.

Hybrid Diapers: These diapers feature a waterproof shell and different types of lay-in inserts that allow you to just replace the insert and continue using the shell. The different inserts may include disposable inserts, microfiber inserts, and some people even reuse trifolded prefolds as inserts.

Polyurethane Laminate (PUL): The waterproof fabric commonly used for making diapers and diaper covers. PUL covers can be air dried and reused in a day's rotation unless soiled with poo. 3-6 covers are usually adequate for a full diapering stash.
Nylon: Not as commonly used as PUL, but a popular economical alternative. Usually found in a pull-on style cover
Wool (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): Wool yarn can be used to knit or crochet diaper covers that, once treated with lanolin, are quite waterproof. Wool covers also offer breathability that PUL covers do not, as well as certain antimicrobial properties.
Interlock (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): Wool or acrylic yarn that has been tightly woven into more of a fabric than knitting or crocheting produces.
Acrylic (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): Like wool, but made with acrylic yarn. Can be washed more often and washed/dried with your normal laundry.
Fleece (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): A synthetic alternative to wool, fleece can be used as a diaper cover.
Soaker: A term for a diaper cover made of wool, acrylic, or fleece, most commonly in the form of a pull-on (rather than wrap w/ aplix or snap closure).
Pins: Special safety pins used to fasten certain types of diapers.
Snappi: An alternative to pins. 2-3 is usually adequate for a full diapering stash.
Aplix, Touchtape: Velcro
Liners: Piece of fabric or paper that is laid into a diaper to protect the diaper from creams, make removal of poo easier, or provide a "stay-dry" feeling on baby's skin. Most of the paper liners on the market are flushable. Fleece liners are easily and cheaply made by cutting synthetic fabric store microfleece into rectangles.
Inserts: Separate absorbent layers for use inside pocket diapers.
Doublers: Extra (usually smaller) inserts for use in combination with primary inserts.
Soaker: Another term for the absorbent layer of any diaper.
Polyurethane Laminate (PUL): The waterproof fabric commonly used for making diapers and diaper covers. PUL covers can be air dried and reused in a day's rotation unless soiled with poo. 3-6 covers are usually adequate for a full diapering stash.
Nylon: Not as commonly used as PUL, but a popular economical alternative. Usually found in a pull-on style cover
Wool (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): Wool yarn can be used to knit or crochet diaper covers that, once treated with lanolin, are quite waterproof. Wool covers also offer breathability that PUL covers do not, as well as certain antimicrobial properties.
Interlock (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): Wool or acrylic yarn that has been tightly woven into more of a fabric than knitting or crocheting produces.
Acrylic (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): Like wool, but made with acrylic yarn. Can be washed more often and washed/dried with your normal laundry.
Fleece (Soakers, Shorties, Longies, Skirties): A synthetic alternative to wool, fleece can be used as a diaper cover.
Soaker: A term for a diaper cover made of wool, acrylic, or fleece, most commonly in the form of a pull-on (rather than wrap w/ aplix or snap closure).
Pins: Special safety pins used to fasten certain types of diapers.
Snappi: An alternative to pins. 2-3 is usually adequate for a full diapering stash.
Aplix, Touchtape: Velcro
Liners: Piece of fabric or paper that is laid into a diaper to protect the diaper from creams, make removal of poo easier, or provide a "stay-dry" feeling on baby's skin. Most of the paper liners on the market are flushable. Fleece liners are easily and cheaply made by cutting synthetic fabric store microfleece into rectangles.
Inserts: Separate absorbent layers for use inside pocket diapers.
Doublers: Extra (usually smaller) inserts for use in combination with primary inserts.
Soaker: Another term for the absorbent layer of any diaper.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
This makes me fuming angry!!
If you know your child has a cold, or is sick in any way. SKIP going to play groups! It is not fair to your child with their comprised immune system to drag them out & about and not fair to the healthy child who is attending. 2 children at a play group I was at this week had the nasty green-yellow snot flowing from their noses & guess what? Myles is coughing & has a congested nose now. I understand wanting to get out of the house, but why infect others because you are bored with being at home. I think I am going to take my child to the home of the child who infected him and let the mother take care of him until he is better. I do feel bad because I really should have just left when the sick children showed up.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
A "Hot" topic I have been wanting to write about
But it is so involved and long and causes so much controversy among people I have put it off. However, this is my blog and I have it for the purpose of sharing my thoughts on various subjects, mainly parenting issues and things to do with parenting so I am going to take the plunge and write a little on vaccines today. I have learned to not share my thoughts on vaccinations on our Facebook page any more as sadly I feel that people discriminate against those who haven't done the "regular" vaccination schedule or have not vaccinated at all.
Before I was pregnant I read a book where the author talked about vaccines and how she felt like her son's health and mental issues were caused by his vaccinations. The author got a lot of heat for writing the book and I am not even sure how reliable of a source she was, etc but the book got me to thinking. Which I feel is a good thing! Until then, I'd never given vaccinations a second thought. I probably would have just done the CDC schedule if I hadn't read it and thought "Maybe this is something I should research before blindly doing". Part of the reason I write this, is that anyone reading would be given a desire to research the subject before doing any vaccinations. You can always vaccinate, but you can't undo the vaccines you put in your child's body. Before you think I am one of those "Anti-Vax" parents, naive, or irresponsible hear me out. I am not anti-vax but I am against the current "One size fits all" approach given vaccines and a lot of the un-safe ingredients that are currently being used. Center for Disease Control website has lists of the ingredients, side effects and other info. They are "For" vaccinations and are a government website. I feel highly uncomfortable, giving a newborn baby any amount of Formaldehyde, Aluminum and things like that. Some of the DNA in vaccines originated from aborted human fetus's. That also makes me uncomfortable as someone who is 100% pro-life. The potential side effects from vaccinations are also something to look into. CDC states that infants with Eczema (as Myles had) can have adverse reactions to DTaP vaccine. SIDS is also a side effect of some vaccinations. Japan used to recommend that children not be giving the DTaP vaccine until the age of 2. When Japan was following that recommendation, instances of SIDS were a lot lower the when they were giving it to small infants. CDC does state they find no correlation between age of vaccination and SIDS but to me it is odd that the highest cases of SIDS are between 2-4 months and that is when children begin their primary course of vaccinations. Myles eczema didn't show up until he was 3 months old, if we'd done vaccinations on the regular schedule, he may have had adverse reactions. If you want to vaccinate, but feel uncomfortable (as you should in my opinion) with giving more the one vaccination at a time, there are alternate schedules out there. You can also delay some, skip some and make choices based on your research. And contrary to what many think, you can sign waivers and still send your children to school. Ohio has 3 exceptions you can sign currently. Religious reasons, medical reasons or philosophical reasons. I really do feel a lot of the current issues children are having are in part a result of the aggressive vaccination schedule. Look at this comparison of what amount children were given in the past vs the present
Before I was pregnant I read a book where the author talked about vaccines and how she felt like her son's health and mental issues were caused by his vaccinations. The author got a lot of heat for writing the book and I am not even sure how reliable of a source she was, etc but the book got me to thinking. Which I feel is a good thing! Until then, I'd never given vaccinations a second thought. I probably would have just done the CDC schedule if I hadn't read it and thought "Maybe this is something I should research before blindly doing". Part of the reason I write this, is that anyone reading would be given a desire to research the subject before doing any vaccinations. You can always vaccinate, but you can't undo the vaccines you put in your child's body. Before you think I am one of those "Anti-Vax" parents, naive, or irresponsible hear me out. I am not anti-vax but I am against the current "One size fits all" approach given vaccines and a lot of the un-safe ingredients that are currently being used. Center for Disease Control website has lists of the ingredients, side effects and other info. They are "For" vaccinations and are a government website. I feel highly uncomfortable, giving a newborn baby any amount of Formaldehyde, Aluminum and things like that. Some of the DNA in vaccines originated from aborted human fetus's. That also makes me uncomfortable as someone who is 100% pro-life. The potential side effects from vaccinations are also something to look into. CDC states that infants with Eczema (as Myles had) can have adverse reactions to DTaP vaccine. SIDS is also a side effect of some vaccinations. Japan used to recommend that children not be giving the DTaP vaccine until the age of 2. When Japan was following that recommendation, instances of SIDS were a lot lower the when they were giving it to small infants. CDC does state they find no correlation between age of vaccination and SIDS but to me it is odd that the highest cases of SIDS are between 2-4 months and that is when children begin their primary course of vaccinations. Myles eczema didn't show up until he was 3 months old, if we'd done vaccinations on the regular schedule, he may have had adverse reactions. If you want to vaccinate, but feel uncomfortable (as you should in my opinion) with giving more the one vaccination at a time, there are alternate schedules out there. You can also delay some, skip some and make choices based on your research. And contrary to what many think, you can sign waivers and still send your children to school. Ohio has 3 exceptions you can sign currently. Religious reasons, medical reasons or philosophical reasons. I really do feel a lot of the current issues children are having are in part a result of the aggressive vaccination schedule. Look at this comparison of what amount children were given in the past vs the present
I hear so many people say "I was given all my vaccines, and I am fine" but a lot of those people were born either in the 80's or prior and look at the difference in what was being given!
Check out this other graph below of instances of diseases and the percentage of people getting them that were vaccinated against them.
Also the fact remains that measles were on the decline in the US before the vaccine was even created. Just food for thought. So many people vaccinate out of fear. Don't do it because the dr your child goes to tells you that you have to, because your friends or family tell you that you have to. Do or don't do it because you have done all your research and feel that it is what you should do. The research you do may lead you to delay some, to do selective vaccinations or to not vaccinate at all. Or you may do all your research and feel comfortable doing all according to the CDC schedule. But what I end this post with is Educate before you Vaccinate.
Here are some things I read and found interesting: (his book has lists of ingredients and an alternate schedule)
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